Ocean Plaza Retail & Leisure Park Marine Drive, Southport, PR8 1SQ

Picture 1
Use Class

Use Class




240,000 sq ft

Key Features

  • Dominant anchor tenant

  • 9m visitors a year to Southport

  • 146,000 population in a 20 minutes drive time

  • 378,000 population in a 30 minutes drive time


At over 132,500 sq ft Ocean Plaza provides the only significant purpose built leisure offer in Southport. Ocean Plaza provides the exclusive multiplex cinema and ten pin bowling offer for Southport and the only multi-national gym operator with a pool in the town.


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All the above information and descriptions (whether in the text, plans or photographs) are given in good faith but should not be relied upon as being a statement of representation or fact. Any areas, measurements or distances referred to are approximate only.

All data ©2025 Completely Property Technology Limited

This was last updated on 10/02/2025