9-10 Arndale Shopping Centre Shipley, BD18 3QQ
The unit forms part of The Arndale Shopping Centre and is well positioned on to Central Avenue. Internally the property provides a partitioned retail area on the ground floor with separate small office, kitchen and storage accommodation on the first floor. Shared staff w/c's are located within the centre. On street and pay & display parking is available close by. The premises are available by way of a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a term of years to be agreed. The quoting rent is £15,000 per annum exclusive of business rates, service charge, insurance, VAT and all other outgoings. The accommodation comprises the following areas: We understand the unit benefits from the new E Class planning consent. Interested parties are advised to check with the Local Authority. The property is elected for VAT, therefore VAT will be payable on the rent.