2 Retail units and shops for rent in Prestwick

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  • 173 - 175 Ayr Road Prestwick, KA9 1TP

    A retail shop To Let in Ayr Road, Prestwick. Prestwick is a town in South Ayrshire. It is approximately 30 miles South East of Glasgow. The town has a resident population of around 15,000 persons and adjoins Ayr to the South some 2 miles distant. Ayr Road is the main link between the two towns and carries a high traffic volume at most times of day. Nearby traders are mostly local in nature with a chemist and post office in the same parade. Both Sainsbury’s and Aldi are close by

    Availability: To Let
    Size: 1,051 ft²
    Rent: £11,000 pa
    Type: High Street
    173 - 175 Ayr Road
    • 92 Main Street Prestwick, KA9 1PA

      A retail shop To Let in Main Street, Prestwick. The subjects are located in a prime retailing position on Prestwick Main Street. There are few vacant shops in the area with a range of local traders and national occupiers represented in the town centre. Prestwick is one of the principal settlements in the South Ayrshire Council area with a resident population of around 15,000.

      Availability: Under Offer
      Size: 2,188 ft²
      Rent: £22,500 pa
      Type: High Street
      92 Main Street
      • 92 Main Street Prestwick, KA9 1PA

        The subjects comprise retail premises set within a mid terraced two storey and attic stone and slate property with a single storey projection to the rear.

        Availability: To Let
        Size: 2,187 ft²
        Rent: £22,500 pa
        Type: Retail & Shopping Park
        92 Main Street
        1 - 3 of 3Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results