2 Retail units and shops for sale in Merton

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Colliers Wood
Greater London
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  • Merantun Way Colliers Wood, SW19 2RF

    Prime South West London Leisure Park Investment. Park Place Retail are marketing this prime South West leisure park, the salient details of which are:- Zone 3 London location - located in a prominent position on the A24 Merantun Way in Colliers Wood, just 8 miles from Central London. Prime pitch - the scheme is centred in the prime retail and leisure pitch in Colliers Wood. Large and affluent population - just under 50,000 people live within a 5 minute drive time of the subject property, extending to over 415,160 people within 15 minutes, with 46% classified as the highest affluence group ‘City Prosperity’. Diverse tenants - the scheme comprises two A3 units let to KFC and Pizza Hut, a Premier Inn hotel and a Nuffield Health gym with a swimming pool. Income - the property produces a rental income of £1,879,773 per annum. Long WAULT - over 11 years to expiry. Short term uplifts in income - 44% of the income is guaranteed to increase before October 2024. Premier Inn - they form 38% of the income with around 20 years unexpired, and CPI uplifts capped at 4% per annum compounded. Site - a large site area of 2.75 acres, and unusually high number of car parking spaces; 198, for a zone 3 location due to surface level and undercroft car parking. Freehold - predominantly freehold, with 2 long leasehold areas. Asset management potential - immediate term asset management angles and long term redevelopment potential to residential. Offers are invited in excess of £25,160,000. (Twenty Four Million, Three Hundred Thousand Pounds), subject to contract and exclusive of VAT, allowing for purchaser’s costs of 6.74%. This reflects a net initial yield of 7.00%, rising to 7.46% in September 2024, based on the Pizza Hut fixed uplift and Premier Inn predicted uplift based on CPI capped at 4%.

    Availability: For Sale
    Price: £25,160,000
    Type: Shopping Centre
    Merantun Way
    • 48 Upper Tooting Road Greater London, SW17 7PD

      A prime location. A commercial unit previously trading as a Pakistani sweets parlour business in Tooting.

      Availability: To Let / For Sale
      Size: 1,384 ft²
      Rent: £27,500 pa
      Price: £100,000
      Type: High Street
      48 Upper Tooting Road
      1 - 2 of 2Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results