1 Retail units and shops for sale in Inverness

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  • 10 Huntly Street Inverness, IV3 5PR

    A retail shop For Sale in Huntly Street, Inverness. The subjects comprise the front portion of an end terraced 2 storey and attic building fronting onto Huntly Street and the River Ness. The subjects are of masonry construction under a pitched slated roof. The property has been fully stripped out from its previous use as part of the Royal British Legion Bar & Restaurant. Other retail properties in the immediate vicinity include Jobcentre, Premier Inn and Grain And Grind. The City of Inverness is regarded as the administrative and retail centre for the Highlands of Scotland. The city has a population of 62,750 inhabitants (census 2011). Inverness Airport is situated 16km to the east of the city. Regular services to Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham and London and the more outlying areas of the Highlands. The subjects are prominently located on Huntly Street on the west side of the River Ness close to the main Ness Bridge. The property enjoys frontage and pleasant views over the river and is within easy walking distance of the city centre.

    Availability: For Sale
    Size: 10,871 ft²
    Price: on application
    Type: High Street
    10 Huntly Street
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