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Unit 3, Cathedral Lanes Cathedral Lanes Centre, Broadgate, Coventry, CV1 1LL

Unit 3, Cathedral Lanes, Coventry, Cathedral Lanes Shopping Centre, Coventry - Picture 2020-10-06-14-50-25
Use Class

Use Class


Rent pa

Rent pa


Key Features

  • Launched in 2015, Cathedral Lanes is a new leisure quarter development in the heart of Coventry city centre, fronting on to pedestrianised Broadgate Square

  • Cathedral Lanes has a pivotal role in helping the development of the city centre, as is the transformation of The Precinct area, which is now on site for delivery before 2021 City of Culture

  • The available unit is within a prominent location facing on to Broadgate Square

  • Other tenants include Las Iguanas, The Botanist, Wagamama, Bistro Pierre, Zizzi and Cosy Club

  • Outside seating area



The unit is located opposite the precinct shopping centre and Primark, the highest footfall location in the city. The unit is adjacent to Zizzi and entrance to Botanist.

Key Information


Strictly by appointment.

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All the above information and descriptions (whether in the text, plans or photographs) are given in good faith but should not be relied upon as being a statement of representation or fact. Any areas, measurements or distances referred to are approximate only.

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This was last updated on 07/12/2021