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2B Heathfield Retail Park, Ayr, KA8 9BF

2B, Heathfield Retail Park, Ayr - Picture 2023-08-14-09-34-50
Use Class

Use Class




8,006 sq ft

Rent pa

Rent pa


Key Features

  • Dominant retail park location

  • Immediately available


Retail warehouse


8,006 Sq.Ft

This unit is part of Heathfield Retail Park

Heathfield Retail Park

Heathfield Retail Park currently comprises 190,827 sqft of retail accommodation arranged over three terraces. The two original terraces housing units 1 to 10 have undergone a substantial refurbishment programme which provides attractive new modern glazed frontages across the Park. The third terrace has recently been completed and form a modern retail warehouse terrace providing three units, two of which have been let to M&S Simply Food and Tapi Carpets. There are smaller format units on the Park which are occupied by Maplin, Costa and Greggs in addition to two stand-alone restaurant units let to KFC and Pizza Hut. The adjoining Asda and B&Q extend to 122,648 sqft, providing a substantial critical mass of 313,475 sq ft of retail accommodation. The retail park have recently had the car parking spaces re-laid and re-aligned and a dedicated servicing to the rear of the units.

Savills Out of TownCoates & Co

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This was last updated on 14/08/2023